Pet Pantry

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Caplan Family Pet Food Pantry

Michigan Humane’s Caplan Family Pet Food Pantry assists thousands of families in need in the metro Detroit area. Thanks to our partners at Purina, Greater Good Charities, and Forgotten Harvest, we’re able to provide dog and cat food at no charge to owned pets in an effort to keep animals in their current homes.

Please note that our pet food pantry is a supplementary program. One bag of pet food is generally not meant to last a whole month.

Unless noted at the distribution locations, there is only one line to receive pet and human food. If you do not wish to receive human food you must still be in the line.

Have Questions?

You can reach us at (313) 324-8512.

We offer limited pet food distribution through our Rochester Hills and Westland locations. Hours vary by location. Please call for more information: 866-648-6263.

How to Donate Pet Food 

This program is dependent on the generosity of the public and important sponsors. Bags and cans of dog or cat food can be donated at any of Michigan Humane’s locations during regular adoption hours. 

Unopened bags are preferred; opened bags will be accepted as long as the food is in its original manufacturer packaging and includes the expiration date. Corporate, school, or community-based food drives are encouraged and greatly appreciated. For large donations, please call 866-648-6263 to schedule a delivery.

Additional Assistance:

If you are in need of additional support for yourself or family, please click here to learn more about Michigan 2-1-1.